Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Follow Your Dreams...

Sorry I haven't blogged for a while I have been trying to figure a few things out with life. I am now on TWITTER at @FaithLoveHopeG.

It can be hard to be happy and content with what you have sometimes in life. As a child I had this dream of my perfect job, my perfect house and my perfect partner. I have the perfect job and the perfect house, just not the partner. I am happy without the boyfriend though as I don't currently want one or need one to make my life happy. I found with my last partner that he held me back from things I wanted to do in life and now I don't have anyone to please other than myself and I love that.
I know I should be happy with everything I have, as most people work a life time to have the things I have but theres something missing. I have achieved my goal and dream but unfortunately I now don't feel happy with it all, as I now don't know what am living for. I love my friends and family so much but I don't think this life is what I want anymore. I know that it will upset so many people if I just pack up my life and leave to see what else is out there in the world but I really want to go travelling.
I worked hard for everything I have and I think one of the reasons I am disappointmented with it is because the one person I really wanted to be proud of me was my Ex, and he was never able to be as he was jealous of what I had achieved while he was unable to even start working on his dreams. I know I shouldn't let his opinion still bug me but its hard when you know that someone out there recents you for achieving your dream.
I now have a new dream... I am going to sell the life I currently have now and go travelling. Then when I get back (if I do come back) I will create the dream I currently have and get back to this life but in the future I will also have the husband and children I dream of.
If something isn't right in life change it. Follow your dreams...

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Can't Get You Out Of My Head

Ever since I met that guy I mentioned in my last blog, I haven't been able to stop thinking about him. Everything I see around me and on tv reminds me of him and makes me think of him. It's so strange, I haven't felt like this in ages. Although I have been unable to stop thinking of him, I still haven't got round to texting him and asking him when he's free to meet again.
Am starting to think the reason that I am so useless at messaging potential boyfriends back is because deep down I am scared of getting hurt. I just never realised until I met that certain someone. Well I need to take my own advise and arrange to meet him. What's the worst that will happen.... He might so NO so what its not going to kill me. Right am going to text him.. Wish me luck :)

Love: you can get you heart broken or live the greatest love story with world has ever known but you will never know if you don't try.
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Thursday, 5 May 2011

Lots Of New Potential Boyfriends

I havent been about to blog since my last blog as you can tell from the title I have met a few potential boyfriends. When I say I've met a few guys I mean 10 guys in total. Am suprised myself at how many guys are interested in me. I don't think I have ever had this many guys all at the same time. Maybe I've turned from the ugly duckling until the beautiful swan.
Even though I do have a lot of guys interested in me, it doesn't mean am interested in all of them. Infact I only actually like one of them and see myself been with someone like him in the future. I have always said to my friends that when I meet the right guy I will know instantly and I did know from the second I saw him. We had grown up together as children and when we got older we both got on with our own lives. We recently bumped into each other in the pub and have been in contact since. I think this guy definately has potential to be my future boyfriend.
Am not wanting to settle down with just one person though at the moment and (lets call him adam) adam is currently living a couple of hours away but will eventually be moving back to my town when he has completed his studying. For me this a great opportunity, I have someone that see myself maybe spending my life with but before we settle down we both to get have fun and live our lives how we want for another couple of years.
I am also talking to the other 9 guys as I dont want to rule anyone out just yet. I need to go out and have fun and met other guys so that when I do settle down I know its with the right person and that I made the right decision been with them. I don't want to settle down too young and then live my life thinking 'but what if I'd met someone else'. I know quite a few people that settled down young and they have grown to resent there partner as they feel like their missing out on life. It has also lead to many affairs some of which their partners have found out about and the only reason they stay together is because of houses and children they have together. To me this is how life should be, I know life isn't a fairy tale but staying with someone because its the safe option and would be completed to split up is not the way life should be. I felt like that with my ex, I thought it would be completed to leave him and everyone would hate me for messing things up but it turns out everyone supported me as know one wanted to see me spend my life with someone I didnt know anymore.
So by putting myself out there and having a good time I have a met lets of new guys. Its all about enjoying yourself and been happy then the rest falls into place easier.