Sunday, 13 March 2011


I have just got back to a weekend away with the girls to Amsterdam. It was such a laugh and we can now say we have done the Amsterdam Experience. We went to the 'Sex Museum' which was showing us the history of sex in pictures. I didn't realise they took porno-graphic photos all the way back to the 1840's.
We had a wonder around the sex shops, which was a laugh with a bit of confussion at how the size of some of the toys could even fit where they are ment to go. I certainly won't be buying any of those.
We went to see a Live Sex Show. During the show we learnt how to light a room with a candle and our vagina, how to write on a guys chest holding the pen with our vagina, and that we need to be more flexible. So we now have some stuff to practice and see if we can do it. Who came up with these ideas though, waking up one day and thinking 'I am going to learn how to write using my vagina'. Its crazy.
We had a walk down the street with the girls in the window trying to entice guys, it was so strange. Then we went to one of the many of the 'coffee shops' that they have in Amsterdam. None of us had ever done drugs before but we thought while were Amsterdam we may as well get the full experience. We all bought a chocolate cake each that contained Marijuana. The cakes were lovely. I had a really good experience, I was chilled out and really giggly but unfortunately one of my friends didn't have a good experience. She was extremely paranoid and couldnt relax and enjoy herself. She kept looking like she was wanting to kill me because I had the giggles. She was even planning on how to kill me at one point and had to keep repeating, 'don't kill her, don't kill her'. 
It is such a different life style to what we have in England. The jobs they do and the drugs the take. I have now experienced Amsterdam to the full and would recommend everyone to go at least once in there life.

A photo of the Red Light District

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