Monday, 11 April 2011

New Guy Now Old

Well I met a new guy. He seemed so nice it was untrue, he was caring and thoughtful and new what a girl wanted. It was a dream come true. We went out for food and drinks many times and chatted away. The conversation flowed easy and we laughed away.
I was finally happy and was starting to see myself with someone else and a future together. He text always going on about seeing me again and that he looked forward to it. He said he hadnt been with someone in a while and mentioned that it had always been on and off with his ex but it hadn't been on in ages.
Well today I found out everything he said had been a lie. He completely played me. The girl he mentioned as his ex isn't his ex, she is infact his girlfriend of 7 years. So in the last 5months I have been the girl that was cheated on and now I have also been the other girl. I just feel cheated out of love again.
Hopefully I have kissed enough frogs now so next time I will meet Prince Charming.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Another Weekend...

This has been another eventful weekend. I was out on Friday as I usually am. I can normally been found in my local pubs on Fridays. Well I had said I wasn't going to drink on Friday as I work on Saturdays. This I changed my mind when I got out, well it wasn't all my chose. I was bought a drink when I got the 1st pub and then when I arrived at the second my friend had bought me a bottle of wine. It was a great night. I was introduced to a guy and we have been talking since. So watch this space...
I was out in the city on Saturday night with the girls for a friends birthday. As normal we all got ready at one house and had a few drinks before we went out. It was a fab night, we totally danced the night away. We were all so busy dancing that we didn't even drink when we was out. You don't need to drink lots when your out, its all about who your with and having a good time.
I would like to the wonderful friends and people I met this weekend for making it a weekend to remember. Love ya all x