Monday, 11 April 2011

New Guy Now Old

Well I met a new guy. He seemed so nice it was untrue, he was caring and thoughtful and new what a girl wanted. It was a dream come true. We went out for food and drinks many times and chatted away. The conversation flowed easy and we laughed away.
I was finally happy and was starting to see myself with someone else and a future together. He text always going on about seeing me again and that he looked forward to it. He said he hadnt been with someone in a while and mentioned that it had always been on and off with his ex but it hadn't been on in ages.
Well today I found out everything he said had been a lie. He completely played me. The girl he mentioned as his ex isn't his ex, she is infact his girlfriend of 7 years. So in the last 5months I have been the girl that was cheated on and now I have also been the other girl. I just feel cheated out of love again.
Hopefully I have kissed enough frogs now so next time I will meet Prince Charming.

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