Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Fall In Love When Your Ready...

Love is such special thing and it doesn't come around often so should be grabbed with both hands. The only thing is YOU need to be ready to let love in. I have been dating a few different guys for a few months now. Some of the dates haven't gone past the first date and some have. I am one of them people that likes to have an instant spark with someone and if its not there, then theres a chance it never will be.
One of the guys I was dating turned out to have a secret girlfriend so I haven't seen him since I found out. I met another guy, the guy of my dreams and I hope we can properly reconnect in the future because at the moment our lives are in different places and it wouldn't of worked. Another guy I have been dating was a set up by a friend of mine and he is the guy that this blog revolves around.
I started dating him and like I said at the start I like to have a instant spark with someone but unfortunately there wasn't one. It was a blind date and when I first saw him I wasn't that keen and then we got talking and we got on that well that I decided to continue dating him to see where this would lead. We got on well and conversation flowed and we always text daily, and I started to enjoy myself. I didn't see myself having a future with him but I thought he could be MR RIGHT NOW and you never know the NOW might just disappear one day and he could of become Mr Right. This is very unlikely that this will ever happen though as I don't feel that way about him so I was extremely put off when he started telling me the way he was feeling.
I had even known this guy a month when he started saying I could be the one for him and that he had found his dream girl. I don't feel the same and am not looking to settle down now, am just wanting to play around. I told him it wasn't going to work out and that we shouldn't see each other anymore. I didn't want to continue seeing him and lead him on, am not that sort of person and I couldn't see us having a future. Unfortunately he didn't take it too well and he keeps trying to get me back.
I said at the start 'love doesn't come around often so grab it with both hands', well this is true but you need to be ready to let love in and you have to feel the same way. I had the chance to be loved again but I wouldn't feel the benefits of love as I wouldn't feel that way and its not the same. I have realised that even though I am dating, I really am not ready to let love back into my life again.
One day love will come knocking and I will be ready to the answer door.

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